The Bi-Monthly Shimmy Showdown Bellydance Contest!
Welcome to Sa'diyya's Bi-Monthly "SHIMMY SHOWDOWN" Bellydance Contest!!!
Next Contest: TBA at KASRA in Richardson!
Click the links below to see photos from past contests!
-February 24, 2013
-October 21, 2012
-August 26, 2012
-July 1, 2012
-April 15, 2012
This is the first event of it's kind in Dallas! Sa'diyya, a multiple award winning bellydancer, is the producer of this new event that is meant to be a fun, supportive and nurturing environment for up-and-coming DFW area bellydancers.
Each contest will have 3 instructors/professional bellydancers as the qualified judges. Along with Sa'diyya, 2 other local pros will share their expertise with contest hopefuls. Each contest will feature different pros for variety and community.
Contestants will receive constructive written feedback that they can apply to their dance training. This contest is meant for any student dancer who isn't currently performing for money as his/her main source of income and/or who ins't teaching regular bellydance classes. It's also for any style of bellydance! The combination of the contestants' live dance performance and receiving valuable instruction from the area's top pros will be a priceless experience for participants!
Contestants and judges are encouraged to invite their family and friends!
Click HERE to see the Contestant Requirements and Judging Criteria!
If you're not sure if you qualify, just ask!
The contestant registration is limited to 8 dancers per event. Along with the audience enjoying 4-6 minute long performances by each contestant, they will be entertained by special performances from the esteemed judges and the previous winners (Shimmy Showdown Star and Crowd Favorite from the month before)!
Along with the valuable feedback, winners of the Spring 2013 contest will receive titles and the prizes listed below:
SHIMMY SHOWDOWN STAR: 1 full photo session package from EASY STREET IMAGES PHOTOGRAPHY, 25% OFF Registration for Any Class(es) at the Austin Belly Dance Convention (May 31-June 2), Month-Long Class Pass to Vashti's Saturday Morning Technique Drills Class, One month of FREE classes from "Authentic Belly Dance Studio" in Irving, One Saturday Workshop Pass to "Zaira Presents Yasmine of North Carolina on June 22", One-Hour Private Coaching Session with Rivkah, One Custom Music Edit by Sa'diyya, Free six-week session of The Ultimate Bellydance Challenge Class with Sa'diyya, 3 hour workshop pass with Sa'diyya, 1/2 off one hour private lesson with Sa'diyya ($37.50 value), DVDs donated by Sa'diyya, & a featured performance at the April 2013 Shimmy Showdown Bellydance Contest!
SHIMMY SHOWDOWN CROWD FAVORITE: , Personal-Tailored Bra & Belt Base from Designs by Sa'diyya, Month-Long Class Pass to Vashti's Saturday Morning Technique Drills Class, One Custom Music Edit by Sa'diyya, Free six-week session of The Ultimate Bellydance Challenge Class with Sa'diyya, 3 hour workshop pass with Sa'diyya, 1/2 off one hour private lesson with Sa'diyya ($37.50 value), DVDs donated by Sa'diyya, & a featured performance at the April 2013 Shimmy Showdown Bellydance Contest!
SHIMMY SHOWDOWN STAR 1ST RUNNER UP: 1 full photo session package from EASY STREET IMAGES PHOTOGRAPHY, Month-Long Class Pass to Vashti's Saturday Morning Technique Drills Class, Hand-Dyed Silk Veil Donated by Rivkah, One Custom Music Edit by Sa'diyya, 3 hour workshop pass with Sa'diyya, 1/2 off one hour private lesson with Sa'diyya ($37.50 value), DVDs donated by Sa'diyya!
SHIMMY SHOWDOWN STAR 2ND RUNNER UP: 1 full photo session package from EASY STREET IMAGES PHOTOGRAPHY, Month-Long Class Pass to Vashti's Saturday Morning Technique Drills Class, Hip Scarf Donated by Rivkah, One Custom Music Edit by Sa'diyya, 3 hour workshop pass with Sa'diyya, DVDs donated by Sa'diyya!
Easy Street Images Photography

Addison Carey of Easy Street Images Photography has generously donated the following:
The top 3 winners (1st, 2nd & 3rd places) will receive a complimentary photo session!
Easy Street Images Photography will also be present at the contest taking live shots!
The top 3 winners (1st, 2nd & 3rd places) will receive a complimentary photo session!
Easy Street Images Photography will also be present at the contest taking live shots!