"What kind of road blocks?" you may be wondering. The list is long and will probably keep growing for a while as I continue to learn about this process. The first thing I was up against about a year ago was my naivety. I had no idea how much is involved. Initially, I was just going to use what I had on hand: Microsoft Movie Maker that came on my cheap laptop, an inexpensive digital camera that happened to film videos, too, and film it in my home studio with some portable mirrors using only the microphone on the camera.

I soon discovered that I needed a wireless microphone after filming a test run and hearing that my voice was muddled and hard to understand. After doing some research and settling on a barebones lapel mic that would get the job done, I figured out that my little digital camera didn't have a mic jack to connect the wireless mic receiver into. Guess what that meant? A new camera. So my husband and I went camera shopping and found a higher end camera that would film 1080HD quality footage AND work with my wireless lapel mic.

The next hurdle was my existing laptop. That machine was not even powerful enough to upload the files from my new camera onto it. When I tried to edit some footage with Microsoft Movie Maker, it would take FOREVER, and I soon discovered that I could not create chapters in that program. I feel like these classes must be chaptered so the students can navigate through the material more easily. So...at my husband's suggestion we got a MacBook Pro with TONS of power and storage space. And we invest in professional movie editing software, Final Cut Pro.

Over the last several months, I've had 3-4 false starts due to technical difficulties. Since I'm learning this as I go, mistakes are my greatest teacher. One time not too long ago, I filmed a ton of footage only to discover that I was out of focus the ENTIRE time. I had to throw out all of it. That's when I decided that I needed a cameraman, so now my husband helps me!
We got all the content filmed for my free teaser classes, but with some minor audio issues. I managed to edit some of those audio problems out with Final Cut Pro. And learning Final Cut Pro....it makes my brain hurt! FCP is NOT user-friendly. I had to look up tutorials online and just feel around in the dark for a while. I'm still learning how to use it, but at least I have the basics down.
This last batch of videos also had some audio issues that were so bad, the footage isn't salvageable. There were words missing in my speech and loud pops and clicks. We discovered that the frequency we were using with the wireless mic was causing the problem. We also learned how to find a better channel, which solved the problem.
So, my most recent big adjustment is changing the release dates. I still have so much to learn, that until I have a built up library waiting in the wings to publish, I'm just going to release them when they're ready. I have an estimated schedule just announcing that certain topics will be released during a certain month. In the near future, I will return to the 1st and 15th schedule once I have more kinks worked out!
Check out the free teaser classes I already have posted HERE. Feel free to download them, too! I hope you'll come back and visit to check out the next round of videos coming soon. Thanks for your support!